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Contemplating the Cross

In my nightly reading of the book the Great Controversy (find it online HERE) I came across this quote last night.  It spoke to me because it succinctly describes the way we will feel when the conflict of this life is over.  Yet there is a familiarity about the thoughts we will have in eternity because it involves contemplating the cross and the gift of God for each of us.  I hope you find this reading a blessing as well: 

"The mystery of the cross explains all other mysteries. In the light that streams from Calvary the attributes of God which had filled us with fear and awe appear beautiful and attractive. Mercy, tenderness, and parental love are seen to blend with holiness, justice, and power. While we behold the majesty of His throne, high and lifted up, we see His character in its gracious manifestations, and comprehend, as never before, the significance of that endearing title, “Our Father.”

It will be seen that He who is infinite in wisdom could devise no plan for our salvation except the sacrifice of His Son. The compensation for this sacrifice is the joy of peopling the earth with ransomed beings, holy, happy, and immortal. The result of the Saviour's conflict with the powers of darkness is joy to the redeemed, redounding to the glory of God throughout eternity. And such is the value of the soul that the Father is satisfied with the price paid; and Christ Himself, beholding the fruits of His great sacrifice, is satisfied" (Great Controversy, page 652).