Droplets - what do they tell you about God?
I was visiting with my grandma today, and noticed as I looked outside through her back window that the dark clouds were giving way to clearer sky. Not blue sky, but sun-graced sky that leaves a light color in the distance (see above) and causes the observer to hope for sunshine. I had already been rained on as I walked with my wife to Grandma's house, so I knew that there was a good chance that I would witness one of life's small miracles - droplets.
I was not disappointed as I went towards the old plum tree to take a closer look at its blossoms. There right in front of me was what I desired to see: beautiful drops of water lingering for a time until they fell to the ground below. As I looked at them closely I could see light shining through the droplets. Not quite a micro rainbow, but almost. Yet, those droplets spoke to me of: refreshing, new possibilities and God's grace/goodness.
The Bible tells us that all good gifts come from the Father. Specifically, it says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" (James 1:17, KJV). Do you notice that the gifts come down - like rain? And the Father who loves to give good and perfect gifts doesn't change - there is no variableness with Him?
Neither is there even a hint that he will start turning away from us (like when someone turns and their shadow goes with them). He keeps on giving, and giving and. . . giving. He gives even when we don't deserve it - that's called grace/favor/kindness.
Some time later, after seeing those droplets, the sun came out in full force and shone through the trees. Even from my chair inside the house I could see the droplets change from clear to having color - a rainbow HAD shown up! Now His goodness was in full color. Sometimes the waiting is worth it - isn't it?
Yet soon it was time to walk home. Dark clouds gathered, my wife and I walked faster. . . faster. We approached the final 1/4 of a mile to the house and it POURED! My wife ran, I walked and pulled my hood over my head. I knew from years of walking in Oregon that it was likely I would get soaked, but I was fine with that. The clothes would dry - I wanted to thank the Father for pouring out His rain to refresh the earth. I wanted to thank Him for the beauty that He had already revealed to me earlier. I wanted to smile and say, "Thank you for the rain!" In keeping with this brief reflection, I could say in hindsight: "Thank you for the droplets in life - the many reminders of your goodness!"
May you too look around and notice the good things of life. It is easy to get bogged down, soaked and be tempted to murmur about the negative is going on all around us. But I want to continually challenge myself and others to pause. . . breath in that fresh air. . . look up and see the mountains. . . look around and see the people nearest you. . . look for the droplets - the goodness of God. And in the looking may we be refreshed like the earth by His droplets - little tokens of His love!