Our next Elder TEAMS training will be February 21-22 at the Winston Church with the following schedule:
Friday, February 21 at 6:30pm - Orientation to Public Evangelism by Pastor Murray Miller
Sabbath, February 22:
- 11am – Share Him! Focus on personal ministry and Biblical mandate to go and teach/preach. Encourage members to think of unreached areas.
- 2pm – Elder John Sweigart, ShareHim training 1: Conducting the meetings and getting decisions. Via Zoom from Ohio.
- 3pm – Elder John Sweigart, ShareHim training 2: Visitation and follow-up. Via Zoom from Ohio.
All elders and their spouses are invited to attend. Materials will be provided. *Elders: Please consider expanding our team by inviting someone that God puts on your heart that could be a ministry partner besides your spouse. Thank you for making this training a priority and planning now to attend! And a special thanks to the Winston Church for hosting this event!!
About our Sabbath afternoon speaker John Sweigart:
John A. Sweigart (pictured above with his wife Susan)
Elder Sweigart retired in 2020 after 35 years in ministry. He pastored 8 churches in three conferences ranging in size from 11 to more than 300 members. He was called to be Ministerial Director and Evangelism coordinator in the Carolina Conference where he was involved with ShareHim shortly after its founding by Elder Robert Folkenberg. He has trained lay speakers for ShareHim International and Homeland campaigns in several different Conferences, as well as conducting several himself in the Carolinas, Central California, and Kansas-Nebraska. He later became Ministerial director in Kansas-Nebraska and after 6 years became Vice-president for Administration in which office he served until his retirement. Since then, he serves a local church in Ohio as a Sabbath school teacher and is also a substitute teacher at Spring Valley Academy.
Find more resources for your ministry at www.ministryteams.weebly.com.